Thursday, September 19, 2013

Mine Completely Book 4 The Billionare's Obsession Written by: J.S. Scott

Ahoy fellow book readers yar! It be talk like a Pirate day here in America yar….granted pirates I know never said Yar, but c’mon it’s fun no? Any who, I just couldn't wait to see what happened to Kara and her sexy beau Simon. When I should have been practicing a new knit stitch and studying Spanish I just had to see what was going to happen in this final book…. Mine Completely this 4th book in Billionaires obsession takes us a year later in the life of these two soul mates. Time has passed and life has continued and it seems like bliss is finally on the menu for these two, not just in the bedroom either, but for their entire lives. It seems like they've finally put behind their differences or rather Kara has, and are just ready, until dun dun dun DRAMA! Will these two actually manage to have a life together, or will ones hormones and insecurities just ruin everything? The tale itself was sweet readers, and I’m glad the author uses a sub character as an outside voice of reason and observation, because what does seems obvious to us as the readers may not be so obvious to these two people who are actively living such things. I’m actually more fascinated with Maddie who is Kara’s best friend and her history with Simon’s older brother Sam… there’s history there readers and boy oh boy it isn't good, or is it? The romantic and erotic scenes were pretty heartwarming and arousing this Valentine’s book, but it was a very short read, and though interesting I feel like the story of Kara and Simon is done being told just let these two go on with their lives and let’s see what else this author can bring us. Still I enjoyed this series since it was a quick and steamy read. Now time to plunder and loot some booty…yar!

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