Monday, June 3, 2013

The Vampire's Last Lover Written by: Aiden James

Another week fellow book readers, and another Aiden James book...I have to admit I am somewhat disappointed with this most recent book I read by him. The message I got from this book is basically that hormones ruin everything and any rational thought or intelligence we possess when it comes to hormones we are screwed. Txema Ybarra pronounced "Chema"  is a proud member of the Basque lineage she is an 18 soon to be 19 year old teenage girl (her birthday is November 9th, so maybe that's why she's so damn stubborn being a Scorpion zodiac and all, but really I just think it's her own personality) who spent her childhood in Virginia and is now attending fall semester at the University of Tennessee. She is a very normal stubborn teenage girl who has a best friend Tyreen who is also her roommate and a typical rich boy boyfriend tall dark and handsome Peter. Things are changing in the world girls are being murdered all over but what is so odd is that all of these girls share similarities in look, name, and heritage with Txema, and now it seems more are dying in the college campus that Txema goes to. We are introduced to several sexy vampires who claim to be protectors of Txema and more than one shows interest romantically in her. These vampires claim they need Txema for her very special heritage and that she is one of the last of her kind. The Txema character is very tough to like as she's just so stubborn and makes the most irrational choices that not only affect herself but those she cares about. Her libido also, though impressive is also something that is constantly claiming the better part of her brain and making her make stupid choices. This book though had some interesting concepts and new lore was a bit of a let down compared to Aiden Jame's other works I've read. The story at times was so hyper focused on some aspects of the tale that it left a lot out and would jump radically into other events without really letting us get into the previous events. The other characters too lacked any form of  fleshed out detail even the villains were so quickly introduced I felt I couldn't take them serious even with the kill rate increasing as it did. If I ever came across the second book I might consider continuing this series, but I wouldn't actively seek it out.

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