Saturday, November 5, 2011

Enchanted, Erotic Bedtime Stories for Women Written by: Nancy Madore

Erotic bedtime stories for Women. Well, this book was given to me, and needless to say I laughed at first. After all I had only ever read one other Exotic book before and it too was based off of a classic tale. The forward in the beginning also gave me pause and made me wonder what exactly it was I was going to be reading. This book however, was not based on just one tale, but many. There are 13 stories in all, and each one I really rather enjoyed. They are twists on classic stories that really do tell the story from a women's point of view, and how the story should have went in some cases were a woman able to control her own fairy tale. The book itself sends a message to empower women and to embrace themselves and their own sexual desires. And, while doing so to not be shameful of embracing either. I love how Nancy Madore kept telling women in her tales to not shy away from their desires. The stories were clever and rather witty. I found myself laughing and falling in love a few times. I do not know if I'll ever be able to tell these tales to children without a new outlook or smirk on my face when I do, but really the tales were so... enjoyable, arousing and yes quite tantalizing in its telling. I urge some of you to go out pick up this book hunker down for the evening and prepare yourself for some blush inducing bedtime tales.

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