Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hunted Book Six of the Iron Druid Chronicles Written by: Kevin Hearne

Well hello there readers, and what a pretty day it is here in New England, just don't go outside and be blown away, I mean it dang... Ah well, better than gloomy, I needed some sunshine, especially since I was about to bawl my eyes out yesterday when I was listening to book six in the Iron Druid Chronicles, which definitely had a lot to live up to with the ending Hearne gave us in the last book. We know Atticus O'Sullivan The Iron Druid is quite good at surviving and running, he has to be since he's been hunted and survived for Two Thousand years, but now he's running again. Artemis and Diana are after; Atticus, Granuaile, and Oberon, and so now this trio is making a frantic run across Europe because all of the "ways" to Plain shift have been blocked for them. As if running from two Huntress Goddesses who can't die isn't enough of a problem, Loki of the Norse Gods is out to end Atticus's life so he can begin Ragnarok. Oh, and it seems there are bets being played to see just who will survive and certain rules to this Hunt. So, it would seem the Druids' and Dog's plan is to run like hell and seek a friend among the Tuatha De Danann. Readers, this is not a book for those of you who are looking to only laugh, pardon the expression, but...Shit just got real. I mean, I was listening to this book once more, because Luke Daniels is such an amazing voice actor and I've come to associate him with this series that I could not possibly enjoy this book without his vocal talents. So, to hear what the first few chapters offer in this tale, to hear the raw emotion in Daniel's voice, well... I admit it I gasped in shock and almost jumped out of my office chair. The way Hearne writes just impacted me emotionally and made me shake my head in disbelief because, well... did he really have to do that? Well, prepare to be shocked and brought to tears multiple times in this story. Atticus and Granuaile are what stands between the Apocalypse and they need the help of multiple pantheons and their realms inhabitants. Sure, they might be able to outfox the Huntresses, but what happens if there's no world to live in? The stakes are rising and there's a lot of shady back deals going on in this book, and you're never quite sure who really is friend and who is foe... emotions will run wild and truths will come out, and sadly too late. Hearne throws us a "bone" in the end though readers, and I think it helps to deaden the pain he inflicted upon us earlier in the book, but still for every End there is a new beginning right? But, can there be a new beginning if Ragnarok comes about? I highly enjoyed this book, it was a quick listen with a lot of verbal banter, good jibes among friends, and what I love about Hearn'es book the perfect blending of ancient and modern mythos and pop culture.

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