Thursday, February 21, 2013

Choices Book 2 of the Guardian Trilogy Written by: Liz Schulte

Hello faithful book readers and reviewers... or to those of you who just stumble upon this blog,
"Hi." So, if any of you are familiar with the Die Hard movies first, I love them! Yes, love them...even the Second one...even if it's just a tad over the top. Now, take this second book in the Guardian Trilogy I will not compare it story wise to the Die Hard Franchise  merely that it didn't have the power of the first movie, and where the 2nd Die Hard movie was way too over the top (compared to the third, fourth, and fifth this argument may be moot now) Anyhow, with this book the opposite was true it wasn't so much over the top as it felt like the book was just a stepping point a spring board for the next and final book. Somethings seemed a tad predictable to me so we shall see how things unfold in the next book. Olivia, Holden, and Quintus are all back in Choices. The story starts off well enough, but it's the whining that gets to me, ok I understand soul mates, lovers lost, a big friggen hole in your soul, buuuuuuuttttt...well it felt a tad over done this is a book so for plots sake sometimes things need to be prodded along, and I just couldn't grasp that that's what was occurring into the beginning, middle, and end of this story. There are a few setups that will be explained later I'm sure, but though the book had pages it didn't overly get anywhere. It was a tad frustrating because I really liked the first one and I had a tough time liking Olivia in this book the girls got spunk, but a lot of the times it came off as majorly snarky and poor me...again I get it she's been dealt a wicked card in life and death, but if she would just communicate if anyone would just be a little more than slightly honest this book would have progressed oh so much faster. Holden has changed too, but it's a very intriguing change I'm not sure again what this authors creations are fully thinking... and I'm reading their thoughts! The way the author chose to tell time and overlap points of view were interesting once I got a hang of what the hell was going on, but the ending made the story worth while. Will I finish this trilogy? Oh yes, you bet though the story was lacking a certain aspect it still was interesting and I really want to see just where this author is taking us.

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