This is it! 100 Books this year! Ok, so I know I've always said re-reads do not count, but this wasn't a re-read I had never before listened to A fist Full of Charms and since this book listening to was just a tad difficult it is so counting! So my husband hasn't read the Kim Harrison books so we've added it to the audio book list when we go on trips. My gosh I am so glad I read this book years ago and the later books because honestly after having listened to this 4th book in the Hollows series I don't know if I could have gone on reading the books about Rachel Mariana Morgan. Life is peachy now for Rachel she's got a balance going on with her live in vamp roomie, she's dating a hunky living vamp who is her live in roomies ex... oh Jenks is gone as is his family... wait is life peachy? In this latest book an old flame returns to haunt Rachel and being who she is and due to the fact Jenks eldest is also involved Rachel runs off to the rescue with or without asking for Jenks permission. (or she is running away from her current problems who knows with this witch) Perhaps Rachel is doing the right thing by helping Jenks and perhaps twisting some dark curses and taking on a bit more smut onto her soul is for the right reasons is right, right? This trip takes Jenks and Rachel in Kistin's very nice car to the suburban area outside of mainstream Cincinnati where a Witch and Pixie are something to gawk at. You are in for a treat when it comes to Jenks in this book readers if you've never read the Hollows series I suggest you go back and do so. But, make sure you read fast. The only thing I never noticed before was how damn wishy washy this book was it is all over the place emotionally and if I had to hear Rachel say "Oh God" one more time I think I might have broken a blood vessel or developed a permanent eye tick. This book just kept going over details that have been covered in previous books and covered again in this one more than several times in fact. Sadly, all of the emotional re-hashing distracted quite a bit from the kick ass side of the story involving a whole lot of wares and alphas packing together and now gunning for Rachel. I do not remember this being a long book when I read it, but I think I remember reading those very emo parts fast. For what seemed like such a long book nothing really happens even after having just re-listened I am a little fuzzy on how the book finally concludes which it does just a tad poorly, but there were some very hilarious and amusing parts to this book too. It seems like more of a jumping point for something bigger to happen in the future. So just an OK read thankfully I have some major insight now as to where Harrison is taking her series and characters. So Happy New Year world!
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